at your disposal a qualified professional masseuse comes to your home for an hour of relaxation
various types of massage




Feet Massage: Just a pleasent relaxation starting from the part of our body that substains it all: THE FOOT.
We hold a lot of tension here and through the touch, sometimes gentle sometimes more deep, those are released and a general sense of well being is again part of your present moment
Deep Tissue: "Being touched" sometimes is not only a phisycal thing.
This technique is more indicate for those who "dare" to have a look inside themselves. Our body is a miracle! And every little happening that in our life is incomplete is stored there. Since our childhood and even from our time in the womb. Like a recorder every memory is there. Pain and joy, laughter and tears that we didn't express are ready to surface with the little help of two loving hands that are going to stimulate your muscle.I just love it!

Enjoy a soothing massage perhaps at the end of a long day of sightseeing.
Choose from a variety of techniques that run from

a soft holistic massage to a vigorous deep tissue or a foot massage.
Our professional masseur will set up everything you require at the time you prefer.